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How to become antifragile

How to become antifragile

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How to capitalize on the chaos? 5 most powerful ideas from the world bestseller “Antifragility” by Nassim Taleb.

The antipode of brittleness is not strong, but antifragile

Antifragility cannot be understood as flexibility or elasticity. A flexible object lends itself to action and then returns to its original form. But that which has the property of anti-fragility becomes better due to the influence. Therefore, according to the author, it is precisely antifragility that distinguishes living systems, such as the human body, from inanimate objects such as a closet.

It is important to recognize fragile businessmen and the negative consequences of their decisions

Many politicians, economists and others who contribute to the fragility of the modern world, the author calls “fragile” (fragilista). In his opinion, fragile makers deny everything incomprehensible and unknown, they rely on rationalization, but their rationalization is naive, since they do not admit that they do not know much. What they don’t know simply doesn’t exist for them. They extol the value of scientific knowledge, believing that everything can be explained and understood. They make artificial decisions when the benefits are small and visible, and the potential side effects are huge and hidden.

The antifragility of the whole system is ensured by the fragility of its parts

For an economic system as a whole to be antifragile, any enterprise must be fragile. This is basically what happens – most businesses fail, only a few survive. Therefore, Taleb believes that entrepreneurs are the heroes of our time, their failures allow the system as a whole to flourish.

To become antifragile, we must love mistakes

The trial and error method allows us to at least partially tame randomness and unpredictability, makes us less fragile, because we no longer need a predictable external environment, we adapt to a changeable one and learn to perceive stressors as information. We need to change the attitude towards errors, the author is sure. A loser is not someone who doesn’t make mistakes. This is the one who, after making a mistake, does not extract something useful for himself, the one who tries to find out why he made a mistake, instead of learning a useful lesson and moving on.

 Uncertainty and Difficulty Release the Energy of Overcompensation in Us

According to Taleb, we focus too much on the negative response to uncertainty, while we need to pay more attention to the positive. For example, psychiatrists talk too much about post-traumatic stress, but very little about an equally important phenomenon – post-traumatic growth. Thanks to overcompensation, we do things that previously seemed impossible to us, and obstacles and obstacles will only help us fully concentrate on the task. To create something outstanding, we need setbacks and obstacles that will release the energies of overcompensation in us.

Get inspired by Nassim Nicholas Taleb!

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